Hey there! We’re glad you decided to check us out. You might have a lot of questions, and we hope we can answer some of them through the buttons below and by connecting personally with you!
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Who We Are
We are a multi-generational, multi-ethnic Christian community striving to grow closer to God together. We believe that the journey of faith is best taken alongside others in a supportive environment.
Where We Come From
In 2016, Justin and Maddie Noseworthy were contacted by the Evangelical Covenant Church to discuss a church plant in Monterey, CA. Facing a transition, Justin and Maddie prayed for God to open and close doors as He saw fit. On August 13, 2017, All Things New (ATN) held its very first meeting in a home, and we continue to walk with God, trusting in His renewal for Monterey and the world.
Where We Are Headed
We are moving toward greater expressions of God’s kingdom on the Monterey Peninsula (and beyond) as it is in heaven. We believe that God’s kingdom is a Spirit-led movement of people with a faith that is both deeply personal and publicly engaged. Our mission is to be renewed by God to renew the world in His love and grace.
What That Means for You
For those seeking a more caring and just world, this is an invitation to walk in step with our Creator—the God who not only loves but is love personified. Join us as we seek to make a difference together.

Church In Person & Online
Every Sunday Morning at 11am
Office Phone
(831) 641-7527